Adopted by President's Cabinet 6/27/23

I. Purpose

十大正规网赌平台(EGSC)致力于其教职员工的安全, students, and visitors. To continue this commitment and ensure occupants of EGSC buildings 有火灾应急疏散设备的,应当按照规定进行消防演练 with Georgia law. Drills are conducted to prepare building occupants for an organized evacuation in case of a fire or other emergency.

II. Policy Statement

乔治亚州的法律法规要求每隔一段时间进行一次消防演习 在国际消防规范和国家消防协会(NFPA) 101 Life Safety Code based on building occupancy classification. The Jeanne Clery Act mandates quarterly fire drills for campus residence halls.

All building occupants are required to participate in fire drill exercises. Occupants 根据学院的紧急情况,是否有秩序地离开大楼 Action Plan. No one will be allowed to re-enter a building until the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given.

III. Definitions

Public Assembly Occupancy -用于50人或50人以上聚会的场所,用于商议、敬拜、 娱乐,吃,喝,娱乐,等待运输或类似用途; or an occupancy used as a special amusement building, regardless of occupant load.

Building Representative - EGSC紧急行动计划中指定的人员接受备灾培训; 提高意识,引导疏散,安置住所,帮助残疾人 在疏散和安置程序中,以及潜在的必要通讯 threatening situations.

Business Occupancy - An occupancy used for the transaction of business other than mercantile.

Day-Care Occupancy -四名或四名以上客户接受照顾、维护和监督的住所; 由其亲属或者法定监护人以外的人提供,每次不超过24小时 day.

Drill Officer -由EGSC公共安全总监指定协调消防演习的人员 and evaluate response capabilities.

Factory/Industrial Occupancy -生产或加工、组装产品的场所; mixing, packaging, finishing, decorating, or repair operations are conducted.

Fire Drill - A simulation to practice emergency procedures that should be used in the event of a fire.

Mercantile Occupancy - An occupancy used for the display and sale of merchandise.

IV. Frequency of Drills

消防演习必须按照国际标准进行 Fire Code and NFPA 101.

Occupancy Classification Frequency of Drills
Public Assembly Occupancy Quarterly
Business Occupancy Annually
Day-Care Occupancy Monthly
Factory/Industrial Occupancy Annually
Mercantile Occupancy Annually

位于斯温斯伯勒校区的每栋建筑都被分配了一个建筑占用 classification by the Office of the Georgia Fire Safety Commissioner. Apart from this, 《十大正规网赌平台》要求学生宿舍设施每季度进行一次消防演习.

以下是EGSC Swainsboro的最低消防演习频率时间表 校园建筑基于克莱利法案的要求和/或建筑占用分类 assigned by the State of Georgia:

Campus Building Occupancy Classification Frequency of Drills
Bobcat Villas South (Residence Hall) Business Occupancy/ Clery Act Quarterly
Bobcat Villas West (Residence Hall)  Business Occupancy/ Clery Act Quarterly
Gambrell Building Business Occupancy Annual
Physical Education Building Public Assembly Occupancy Quarterly
JAM Student Activities Center Business Occupancy Annual
Fulford Community Learning Center Public Assembly Occupancy Quarterly
Academic Building Business Occupancy Annual
George L. Smith Building Business Occupancy Annual
Police Department Business Occupancy Annual
Plant Operations Business Occupancy Annual
Shot & Jean Strange Clubhouse Public Assembly Occupancy Quarterly

V. Procedures

    1. General Information
      1. 公共安全处长须委任一名训练官,负责安排 coordinating, and evaluating fire drills.
      2. 操练官应通知工厂运营主管和适当的当地 authorities in advance of scheduled drills.
      3. 训练官负责培训和协调大楼代表 as it pertains to building evacuations in the event of fire.
      4. 消防演习可以宣布,或者由演练官决定是否 advanced notice of a fire drill will be given.
    2. Announced Drills
      1. 宣布的消防演习为建筑代表提供了参与的机会 in advanced preparation. These drills are intended to familiarize participants with expectations and individual responsibilities through practical exercises.
      2. Notice will be given no less than (3) days prior to an announced fire drill.
      3. 有关演习的告示将于受影响的建筑物内张贴 areas (i.e. entrances, lobbies, elevators, etc.).
    3. Unannounced Drills
      不事先宣布的消防演习是为了模拟对实际火灾紧急情况的反应. These drills will be used to test the College community’s response capabilities.

    4. Alarm Activation
      1. The drill officer is responsible for activating the fire alarm during a drill.
      2. 警报应该保持激活状态,直到确认疏散大楼.
    5. Building Evacuation
      1. Building representatives shall assist occupants during an evacuation by providing information and directing evacuees to safety.
      2. 当火警声响时,建筑物内的居民应从最近的出口撤离.
      3. Interior doors are to be closed and left unlocked.
      4. Building occupants are prohibited from using elevators during fire drills.
      5. 建筑代表应在至少500英尺外建立一个疏散点 the building and away from responding emergency vehicles.
      6. 撤离后,大楼里的人将前往疏散点,保持街道畅通, fire lanes, hydrant areas and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
      7. 单位负责人/主管应在疏散点进行考勤检查 to ensure no employees are missing. The names of missing personnel are to be reported to a building representative and/or emergency personnel.
      8. When a drill occurs in a building during class sessions, faculty shall conduct an attendance check at the evacuation point to ensure no students are missing. The names 失踪的学生将报告给大楼代表和/或紧急情况 personnel.
      9. 演练结束后,演练官将使火警静音并复位. 可听到的火灾警报的消音并不意味着允许重新进入建筑物.
      10. 在教官发出“安全解除”信号前,任何人不得再进入大楼。 signal. 建筑代表应协助教官传递这些信息 along.
    6. Fire Drill Record Keeping
      消防演习结束后,消防演习事故报告必须由以下人员填写 the drill officer and submitted for record keeping purposes. These records will be 保存(3)年,并可应署长要求提供 of Public Safety.

    7. Additional Procedures for Student Housing
      1. 住房和居住生活办公室的员工被指定为建筑代表 for campus housing facilities. This includes professional staff, contracted staff, 宿舍工作人员和宿舍助理履行职责 duties of building representatives during fire drills and actual emergencies.
      2. EGSC房屋主管或指定人员应为所有房屋建筑代表投保 每年接受合格人员的消防安全、火的使用培训 extinguishers, evacuation procedures, and how to conduct a fire drill.
      3. 消防演习至少应在山猫别墅西部和山猫别墅南部进行 of four (4) times per calendar year.
      4. 在秋季学期的第一个月,应在每个设施内进行一次演习 and a drill shall be conducted within each facility after the semester midpoint.
      5. 在春季学期的第一个月,应在每个设施内进行一次演习 and a drill shall be conducted within each facility after the semester midpoint.
      6. 在日落后至日出前的数小时内,将至少进行一次演习.
      7. 在夏季学期的第一个月,任何设施都应进行一次演习 occupied by residents.
      8. EGSC住房部主任或指定人员应纳入应急准备 基于最新版本的学生宿舍方向信息 of the College’s Resident Student Handbook. Specific attention shall be placed upon fire safety, fire drill, and evacuation protocols.
      9. EGSC房屋主任或指定人员应确保最新版本的 住校学生手册可通过电子方式提供给教师、学生和工作人员 means throughout the year.
      10. EGSC住房部主任应确保在每个睡觉的地方都张贴告示 room detailing fire safety information and evacuation